
Change the Way You Operate So You Can Work (and Live) With More Ease, Confidence + Balance

You are proud of your success, but know the way you operate isn’t sustainable.

You dream of going:

FROM Grinding yet never feeling like you’ve done enough

TO Trusting your value, experience + expertise

FROM Letting others + yourself run rampant over your boundaries

TO Respecting your guardrails + yourself

FROM Being deep in the weeds and controlling every detail

TO Focusing on what matters + empowering your team to deliver

FROM Feeling bone-tired + strung out…

TO Prioritizing yourself + regularly refilling your cup

FROM Day-dreaming about that “one day” when you’ll be able to breathe

TO Making time for yourself + loved ones daily

I’ll let you in on a secret…

You don’t have to leave your job to find balance.

Yes, your job has long hours, demanding leaders and high-stress. But those aren’t the only factors driving your exhaustion.

As ambitious millennial women, we are wired to burn out.

We care deeply, are wildly competent and want to perform. These traits have powered our success and our exhaustion.

Our weak boundaries, perfectionism, people-pleasing and ‘I haven’t done enough’ syndrome keep us trapped on a hamster wheel of endless to-do lists, back-to-back-to-back meetings and long hours.

Sometimes quitting feels like the only solution, but you’ll bring your burnout habits to your next role.

Imagine if you learned a new way of operating…

So instead of bailing on the career you’ve spent years building, you prioritize with ease, set and hold firm boundaries and recharge and connect with your loved ones regularly.

That would feel…pretty amazing and life-changing, right?

Join me for CalmOS, an eight-week bootcamp, so you can:

  • Stay in the career you’ve invested years of training and hard work in, or

  • Start a new professional chapter from a place of strength, confidence and energy

We will teach you to operate differently. By the end of the eight-weeks, you will be rejuvenated, more confident and have the tools you need to sustain your success.

Ready to feel as good as your resume looks?

“I now clearly recognize that I am a highly skilled professional and it's ok for me to be both good at my job and to enjoy my personal life.”"

Patty S., Associate @ Big Law


Kicking-off on October 4th, each week will be a mix of learning, guided exploration and community.



Our bodies - fueled by copious cups of coffee + 4pm desk lunches - are the oft-neglected key to our big careers. We’ll reacquaint ourselves with what’s going on below our neck and start reenergizing ASAP



Remember “good girls are made of sugar, spice + everything nice”? We will unpack the messages we heard growing up and the surprising reasons they led to our exhausting work habits



There is a reason leadership books start with, “what got you here, won’t get you there.” We’ve used our perfectionism, people-pleasing and overwork to fuel our success, but we’ll explore why this isn’t sustainable, building from Wk 2



We’re diving deep in the first few weeks - exploring old beliefs and ways of working. We’ll use this week to continue letting go, so we can fully adopt the new way of operating.



Who’s ready to work differently? With more calm, confidence and ease...? Sign us up, please! We’ll learn the secret to having more confidence, empowering our teams and focusing on great work, instead of over work



Learn and practice actionable strategies to set, hold and keep better boundaries, and reinforce your new way of operating



Let’s be honest, it takes practice to learn new habits. We’re doubling-down on our boundaries so that by the end of this week, you’ll be as my client says, “the most boundaried person ever”



Whether your goal is the C-Suite or just working with more ease, we’ll celebrate how far we’ve come and how to ensure we take these new ways of working forward

Hi! I’m Cydnee

I help ambitious millennial women redefine their relationship with work and create a career and life on their own terms.

I want your life to feel as good as your resume looks!

I am a former exec leader, chief of staff, head of people + culture and strategy consultant.

I have helped 75+ women reimagine their lives since 2019 -- and have done it myself.

I use the tricks, tips and lessons I've learned along the way to super-speed your change.

I also draw on my training in business, coaching and yoga.

8-weeks of group coaching, guided exploration + community.

Starting Winter 2025

Group Coaching

Eight group sessions for exploration + processing

Learning Modules

Eight modules with lessons + exercises for reflection + making real-time changes

1x1 Coaching

One deep-dive with me for individualized support


Special session facilitated by an expert for relaxation

Group Chat

Chat for connection + community between sessions

“Before, work was consuming my lifeI didn't make time for exercise or connection. Small tasks felt overwhelming. After the program, I have better habits, more regular connection and am more present. I feel rejuvenated, lighter, present and more confident.”"

Julie M., Former Director of Marketing @ Retail

Sneak Peak…

Check-out my ‘Zen Inside, Thrive Outside’ Podclass mini-series for a preview of what we’ll cover in CalmOS and lessons, stories + strategies to help you to create a life that feels as good as your resume looks


  • Woohoo! I’m glad you’re as excited as I am. The calls will be 90-min every Friday at 9am PT / 12pm ET, starting on Oct. 4th and wrapping up on Nov. 22nd, with about 1-2 hours of homework each week. Yes, this is during the workday. This is your first opportunity to set a boundary and make time for yourself. That said, I know life happens. Each session will be recorded if you need to miss a session.

    If you want to mark your calendar, the dates of the sessions are Oct. 11th, Oct. 18th, Oct. 25th, Nov. 1st, Nov. 8th, Nov. 15th, Nov. 22nd.

  • In addition our 90-min group sessions, you’ll have 1-2 hours of self-guided learning every week. You will be given video lessons and exercises for each module, which you can do on your own time outside of the coaching sessions. The lessons have been designed to be high-impact and efficient, recognizing that you are busy! You will need to do the learning outside the group sessions to get the most out of the program.

  • Group coaching allows you to feel the support and community of women who are experiencing EXACTLY what you are. They are struggling with the same challenges and confusion. You’ll feel seen by others in the group, learn from them and hold each other accountable.

  • Currently, my group coaching is focused on helping women redefine their relationship with work, while my 1x1 coaching covers similar topics and will help you get clarity on your career goals and next steps. Group coaching allows you to benefit from the specialness of a community, while 1x1 coaching is an individualized deep dive into you.

  • Yes! This program will benefit any woman who wants to find a way to work with more ease, confidence and balance, whether you want to stay in your current role or find a new one. If you want to find a new career path, this is a great opportunity to reset so you can start your new role from a place of strength. We can also work together 1x1 to help you figure out what’s next.

“I have a new sisterhood with women who have felt similar struggles and challenges. They are my inspiration!”

-Jackie J., Former VP Operations @ Start-up